To fully delete a policy, it first needs to be put into an archived status.
There are 2 ways to archive a policy.
1. Archive a Single Policy
Open the policy card by clicking anywhere on the row of the policy, then go to the ••• menu in the top right, then choose Archive:
2. Archive Policies in Bulk
Use the checkbox on the left side of the list of policies to select one or more policies. In the bulk action bar that opens above the grid, click the ••• and then choose Archive. If you have a policy card open, you may need to close it to see the ••• menu.
If you've just archived a single policy, it's card will still be open. You can go right back to that ••• menu, where you will now find an option to Delete Permanently. Click it and then confirm.
If you've closed the policy, or you archived in bulk, or otherwise can't find your archived policy, you'll need to enable the "Show Archived" filter. Click Filter, then click Show Archived:
Your archived policies will be at the bottom of the list. If you're having trouble finding the policy you want to delete, use the magnifying glass to do a quick search for the name of the policy.
You can also delete in bulk, the same way you archived in bulk above. Use the checkbox on the left side of the list of policies to select one or more archived policies. In the bulk action bar that opens above the grid, click the ••• and then choose Delete. If you have a policy card open, you may need to close it to see the ••• menu.