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Embed videos & other media in Documents and Policies
Embed videos & other media in Documents and Policies

Add or embed YouTube, Vimeo, and other videos, plus embed other media.

Tom O'Dea avatar
Written by Tom O'Dea
Updated over a month ago

You can embed videos right in a Blissbook document, almost anywhere you'd like. Supported video sources in a document are:

  • YouTube

  • Vimeo

  • Vidyard

  • Wistia

Letter Section

If you're in a Letter section, there's a special link you can use to embed a welcome video right after your welcome letter:

Text Section or Other Text Input

To embed a video in a Text Section or another text field, put your cursor where you'd like the video to be, then click the insert video button in the toolbar:

These videos right within the handbook allow links from YouTube, Vimeo, Vidyard, or Wistia.

Policies (coming soon)

When you're editing a policy within your library, you'll see a button with an "Insert Media" tooltip instead of "Insert Video", as you can embed more than just videos here. Click the button, choose Insert Media, and add the link to your embed.

Here's what's supported, with examples of what each link should look like:

We'll add more in the future. If there's something specific you'd like to see, please contact us to let us know what you need!

We hope to bring all of these options into documents in the future so they aren't just limited to policies


Need your video to be private? Vimeo supports domain-level privacy for paid users, which means that you can choose to allow your video to be embedded only on a website.

Video Upload

We do not support the ability to directly upload an .mp4 or other video file. If this is a requirement for you, please contact us so we can learn more about your project.

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