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Section Types

Descriptions and schemas for the different types of Blissbook sections.

Tom O'Dea avatar
Written by Tom O'Dea
Updated over a week ago

Your handbook or document in Blissbook is essentially a bunch of sections stacked on top of one another. It's designed this way so your handbook/document is easy to scroll and read on a mobile device.

These are the different types of sections you can create and use in Blissbook:

You can see a demo of each of these section types by clicking one of the 3 demo handbooks linked at the bottom of the purple Employee Experience section of Blissbook's product page.


A Hero section is for a snippet of really important content, like a mission statement, vision, purpose, or any other bit of content that you really want to stand out. The text content is layered over a full-width background color, image, and image overlay color.

You can add images or videos within the body text section. The headline is basically the same as large text within the body text section.


  • Image

  • Title

  • Headline

  • Body text

  • Background


A Letter section is typically used for a welcome letter or message. It's mostly text, with an optional photo towards the side and an optional video that you can add after the text.


  • Title

  • Body text

  • Photo

  • Signature text or image

  • Video


List sections are great for big important lists of things, like your values, guiding principles, or other information like that. There are 3 different themes available, each having a different layout: Cards, Tabs, and Profiles. The schema is the same for each theme so you can switch between them to find the right one for your content.


  • Image

  • Title

  • Introduction

  • Entries

  •    - Entry Title

  •    - Entry Subtitle (Profile theme only)

  •    - Entry Body

  •    - Entry Image

  • Background


The Timeline section is very similar in structure to a List section. It's perfect for providing a history of your company in a timeline type of layout (or use it to tell new employees what their first X months of employment will be like).


  • Title

  • Introduction

  • Entries

  •    - Entry Title

  •    - Entry Subtitle

  •    - Entry Body

  •    - Entry Image

  • Background

Header aka Chapter Header

A Header section serves as a visual break in your text content. It can be a "parent" of Text section children (see the help article on creating content for more information) and is great for organizing your policies into chapters.


  • Title

  • Subtitle

  • Background


Text sections are the most common type of section as they're perfect for text-heavy policies. You can add images and videos throughout text sections to spice them up as needed.


  • Title

  • Body text

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