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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

What each role at the organization, team/teammate, and document levels can access and do.

Tom O'Dea avatar
Written by Tom O'Dea
Updated over 11 months ago

Your administrative Blissbook users in Blissbook can have roles on 3 different levels:

  • Your Organization

  • Your Team

  • A single Document

Your Organization

Your Organization in Blissbook is like your account or company. People with an administrative role on your Organization can view and/or edit how your Organization is set up in Blissbook. For example:

  • Your IT team can help set everything up but they can't edit your content.

  • Your finance team can view invoices without having access to anything else.

  • Your marketing team can help you design emails and other brandable items in your Blissbook account.

To edit your Organization Admins, click COLLABORATORS with the user-crown icon in the side nav. You'll start off on the ADMINS tab.

These are your Organization Admin roles:

  • Org Admin: Can do everything: manage all organization settings, subscription details, and all members.

  • Tech: Can edit all Organization Members. They can also edit the Custom Domain, Email Sending Domain, SSO, and people sync integrations.

  • Billing: Can view subscription information.

  • Branding: Can edit Email Branding, Email Templates, and Audience Dashboard Branding.

The exact permissions for each Organization Admin role are:

Note: "partial" under View / Edit Email Sending Account for a Tech role means:

  • Tech users may view all custom email sending accounts and can edit their settings. They cannot switch which email account to use and they cannot change the metadata for the default Blissbook sending account.

Your Team

Your documents in Blissbook are owned by a Team. If you want to grant a specific type of access to all documents owned by your Team, add someone as a Teammate.

To edit your Teammates, switch to the Teammates tab under COLLABORATORS or go to TEAM MANAGEMENT in the side nav.

Team Roles allow you to add different Teammates who can help you with your documents:

  • Editors can help you maintain content without being distracted by everything else in Blissbook.

  • The ability to publish (Publishers) is a separate permission so you can have editing help without losing total control of your document.

  • Your employee relations or HR BPs can view/print documentation on employee signatures without being able to edit policies.

These are your Teammate roles:

  • Team Owners: Can create new documents. They can view, edit & publish any document. They can also manage team settings & collaborators permissions.

  • Publishers: Can view, edit & publish any document.

  • Editors: Can view & edit any document.

  • Reporting-Only / Limited Access: Can report on all documents and can view specific audience members’ current or historical live documents from the Reporting Center.

The exact permissions for each Teammate role are:

✨ Note: We're working on allowing multiple Teams to live within your Organization. This would allow you to have different documents owned by different Teams where you won't interfere with each others' work.

Document Collaborators

Your documents in Blissbook can have individual collaborators in addition to your Teammates, with the same Teammate roles (except for Team Owner).

To edit a document's Collaborators, click the Share button on your HOME page next to the appropriate document:

demonstration of where the Share button is

The exact permissions available for Document Collaborators are the same as the chart above under Teammates, except they apply ONLY to the document for which that person is a collaborator.

If you have any questions about how roles work in Blissbook, please contact our support team!

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