So, you want to show your boss or someone else the handbook or document you're working on in Blissbook, but you don't want them to deal with the editor, admin portal, or content management system, and you definitely don't want them to be able to directly edit what you've worked so hard on. We got you!
1. Open the Share Panel
From your home screen (after you hover over the handbook/document):
2. Create Your Link(s)
Click the + button to create a new link:
Since a handbook can look different depending on who is viewing it (because of personalized content, annotations, or whether or not someone needs to sign) you'll need to choose the person whose preview the link will show.
If the handbook hasn't launched and doesn't have any personalized content, you can choose the "If you had access to all content" option as the handbook will look the same to everyone.
If the handbook is private but has a public link turned on, you'll also see an option to create a preview link for the public version.
3. Share the Link
Once you've created the link(s), you can share them however you'd like. Just click the link to copy it to your clipboard. Paste it in an email, a Slack message, or wherever!
4. Turn the Link(s) Off
You can turn off a link at any time by deleting it. You can also set an option to deactivate all links when you launch (or the next time you publish if you've already launched). This option is turned on by default for security reasons.Β
Resetting the link token(s) is useful if you want to deactivate your current link(s) for security reasons, but you want to keep the same setup going forward. Instead of deleting and then recreating everything, you can click the Reset Preview Tokens button instead.
You are now ready to share your beautiful work and collect feedback to make it even better, before you send it out to employees.