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Rippling Integration
Tom O'Dea avatar
Written by Tom O'Dea
Updated over 10 months ago

Blissbook's Rippling integration is both an employee sync & SSO in one.

If you're using any other HRIS/AD system and you want to integrate with Blissbook, please read this help article.

What it Does

Employee Sync

Upon installation, your organization members in Blissbook will be replaced by your employee list from Rippling. All active org members in Blissbook who are not in Rippling will be archived in Blissbook. Going forward, the integration will keep said org members in Blissbook in sync with those you chose to sync over from Rippling on a nightly basis.

For an employee to be properly synced over from BambooHR, they must have a valid work email address. Also, if you set Blissbook to sync employees on their hire date, their hire date must be the current day or earlier. See section 4 at the bottom of this guide for more details.

Rippling Single Sign-On

Rippling SSO enables users to sign in to Blissbook with their Rippling credentials and will allow users to click the Blissbook button in Rippling and not have to log in again.

Want to use another SSO option in addition to Rippling? Open your settings page in Blissbook, refresh that page once the Rippling installation is complete, click the Edit button next to "Via Single Sign-On (SSO)", choose another SSO provider, and complete that setup per our instructions. Multiple authentication methods will now show up on your sign in page.

Don't want Rippling SSO at all? You may want to only use another SSO provider. If so, open your settings page in Blissbook, refresh that page once the Rippling installation is complete, click the Edit button next to "Via Single Sign-On (SSO)", click the Edit button in the Rippling box, then click the Uninstall button.


  • If users click the Blissbook button in Rippling, they will not automatically be signed in to Blissbook and will have to go through your other SSO provider or Blissbook's email sign-in process to sign in to Blissbook.

  • If you do this and change your mind, you will have to uninstall the Rippling integration in Blissbook, delete/remove Blissbook from Rippling, and then start over.

How To Set It Up


The Blissbook <> Rippling integration requires you to have the Rippling App Management package in your Rippling subscription. You can learn more about that here.

Please contact your Rippling sales rep to learn more. Unfortunately you cannot purchase access to singular apps; you must subscribe to the entire package.

Get Started

To get started, go to the Settings page in the side nav and switch to the Employee List Sync tab. Click "Contact Sales" or directly send an email to if you want to sync your Rippling data. Once we have reached back out to you, you will have access to the HRIS integrations on that page. Beside "Using Rippling?" click "Connect it here" and follow the instructions on screen.

Who to Sync

During the setup process, you'll be asked who you want to sync:

This will define the master set of people who get synced over. You will have the opportunity to assign an Employment Type group to the people synced over. If you need to personalize content based on whether someone is an Employee or a Contractor, you can do that within Blissbook. In this case you should sync employees and contractors.

When to Sync

You'll also be asked when people should be synced over to Blissbook:

When a new employee is synced over, they may receive an invitation email (if you have automated invitations turned on).

How to Re-Install an Existing Rippling Integration

You may need to re-install your Rippling integration for a few reasons, and each reason has its own process.

Refresh the Integration due to an Expired Token

Blissbook's access token to your data in Rippling may expire due to unexpected circumstances. Unfortunately, the only way for Blissbook to resolve this is to get a new access token, which can only be obtained when you first install the integration. This means you need to uninstall and reinstall Rippling. Your employees will not be archived & re-added nor will they receive any sort of notification.

1) Uninstall

First, uninstall the Blissbook integration from Rippling:

  • Click the "Installed" button in the top right

  • Click the Settings tab

  • Click Uninstall in the left text nav

  • Click the red Uninstall Blissbook button

  • Click Skip

  • Type DELETE

  • Click the "I understand, Uninstall Blissbook" button

Now Rippling's connection to Blissbook is severed.

Next, you need to sever Blissbook's connection to Rippling.

  • In Blissbook, click "Employees" in the main nav on the left side of the page, then switch to the EMPLOYEE LIST SYNC tab.

  • Click the purple Update button.

  • Click the red Uninstall button.

Note: This does not remove people from your organization in Blissbook or change any of their data, it just clears Blissbook's link to Rippling.

2) Re-Install

You are now free and clear to re-install. Scroll back up this help article to the How To Set It Up section and follow the instructions for a fresh install.

Once complete, you may need to adjust the groups that are being synced over:

  • In Blissbook, click "Employees" in the main nav on the left side of the page, then switch to the EMPLOYEE LIST SYNC tab

  • Click the purple Update button

  • Check the Rippling fields whose values you'd like to bring into Blissbook as groups

  • Note: an isManager group will be automatically created and populated for managers

  • Click Save Changes

Get Rippling SSO back

If you uninstalled Rippling SSO by accident and you want to get it back, you will need to completely uninstall the Rippling-Blissbook connections on both sides, then reinstall from scratch.

1) Uninstall

First, uninstall the Blissbook integration from Rippling:

  • Click the "Installed" button in the top right

  • Click the Settings tab

  • Click Uninstall in the left text nav

  • Click the red Uninstall Blissbook button

  • Click Skip

  • Type DELETE

  • Click the "I understand, Uninstall Blissbook" button

Now Rippling's connection to Blissbook is severed. To get the SSO back, we need to sever Blissbook's connection to Rippling.

  • In Blissbook, click "Employees" in the main nav on the left side of the page, then switch to the EMPLOYEE LIST SYNC tab

  • Click the purple Update button

  • Click the red Uninstall button

Note: This does not remove people from your organization in Blissbook or change any of their data, it just clears Blissbook's link to Rippling.

2) Re-Install

You are now free and clear to re-install. Scroll back up this help article to the How To Set It Up section and follow the instructions for a fresh install.

Once complete, you may need to adjust the groups that are being synced over:

  • In Blissbook, click "Employees" in the main nav on the left side of the page, then switch to the EMPLOYEE LIST SYNC tab

  • Click the purple Update button

  • Check the Rippling fields whose values you'd like to bring into Blissbook as groups

  • Note: an isManager group will be automatically created and populated for managers

  • Click Save Changes

Upgrade your HRIS sync

Occasionally Blissbook upgrades the HRIS sync part of the Rippling-Blissbook integration. When this happens, you may need to re-install the integration to take advantage of new features. We will typically tell you when you need to do this.

1) First, uninstall the Blissbook integration from Rippling:

  • Click the "Installed" button in the top right

  • Click the Settings tab

  • Click Uninstall in the left text nav

  • Click the red Uninstall Blissbook button

  • Click Skip

  • Type DELETE

  • Click the "I understand, Uninstall Blissbook" button

Now Rippling's connection to Blissbook is severed.

2) Re-install Rippling into Blissbook and replace the current HRIS sync with the new version from Rippling.

  • Click the yellow Connect Account button

  • Click the Restart button if you get a "You've partially completed Blissbook Install setup" pop-up (you may need to click it twice)

  • Choose "I'm the Blissbook admin, I'll install it" option

  • Click Authorize

  • <these next setup steps are up to you; choose the options that fit what you'd like to happen and click Continue to go through the process>

  • When you get to the "Connect your Blissbook account to Rippling" step, click Continue

  • This should bring you to a "Re-Install Rippling" page in Blissbook

  • Click the purple "Re-Install Rippling" button

3) At this point it should bring you to your sync page in Blissbook. If it doesn't, open Blissbook, click "Employees" in the main nav on the left side of the page, then switch to the EMPLOYEE LIST SYNC tab.

  • Click the purple Update button

  • Check the Rippling fields whose values you'd like to bring into Blissbook as groups

  • Note: an isManager group will be automatically created and populated for managers

  • Click Save Changes

You're done!

If you or your IT group has questions, please contact us at

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