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Saved Segments

Bundle up groups using the new Saved Segments feature, allowing you to simplify reporting, adding audiences, and more.

Angeli Pacatang avatar
Written by Angeli Pacatang
Updated over 8 months ago

Are you managing separate groups of your people within your organization, such as different city offices, departments, or full/part-time statuses, and need a way to tailor content specifically for each?

Enter the "Saved Segments" feature in Blissbook. Now, you can easily group cities, departments, or any other subsets into meaningful segments. This makes it a breeze to manage content and reports tailored specifically to each group.

What are Saved Segments?

Imagine you have a bunch of groups—like cities, departments, roles, or any other metadata for an employee—and you want to put them together along with other filter options (last hired, manager, level, etc.) under a meaningful label. For example, you might group Toronto, Ottawa, and Quebec City into a segment called "Eastern Canada." Or maybe you group employees in your USA and Full-Time groups into a segment called "US Full-Time".

By combining these groups together and saving them as a segment, you can quickly and easily add them as an audience to your handbook or access data in the Reporting Center. And coming soon, you'll also be able to use saved segments within your personalized content, or to set the audience of a signature round.

Creating a Saved Segment

To create a "Saved Segment," head over to the Employees page, accessible from the side navigation under Organization.

  1. Filter Your Groups: Use the filter feature to select the groups you want to include in your segment. In this example, we've chosen a few US states.

  2. Add other filter labels/options: Aside from Groups, you might also want to include other unique labels such as Last Hired or Employment Status.

  3. Save as a Segment: Once you've selected your desired labels, click the "Save as New Segment" button and give your segment a name—let’s call it "US States" or "US Full Time." This segment might include, say, 800 people. You can now also add a short description to enter clarifying (or confusing) info about a segment/report.

    Once saved, this segment will be available for you to use whenever needed. You can check your saved segments at any time by going to the Employees page and clicking the dropdown menu labeled "Everyone."

Managing Your Segments

To manage your saved segments, simply click on "Manage Segments," which is located under the list of saved segments on the Employees page. Here, you can view and edit all your existing segments.

If you need to remove a segment, hover over the segment you want to delete and click the archive button. Archiving a segment grays it out, indicating its inactive status without permanently deleting it.

Similar to reactivating an employee within Blissbook, you can choose to reactivate a segment at any time. Hover over the segment you wish to bring back, and click the three-arrow recycle icon to unarchive it.

Using Saved Segments

To Set a Blissbook Document's Audience

You can add your newly created segment as an audience in your handbook or in any Blissbook document. To do that, navigate to the document you wish to update, click "Share," then switch to the "Audience Members" tab and select "Add a person, group, or segment."

In Reporting

If you need to view reports for specific groups more quickly, without searching for or choosing them one by one, saved segments simplify the process. Go to your Reporting Center, select any view, and click "Add a filter." Then choose "Segments" from the options. This method helps you access group-specific reports quickly.

"Saved Reports" that will build on this and make things even more handy in reporting, is coming soon.

In Personalized Content

You can use Saved Segments within any personalized content to limit access to that content. You will set up your personalized content as normal, and when you click the blue + Add a filter button, choose Segments. You'll need to have a Segment created in order to see this option.

In Signature Rounds

You can use Saved Segments when you start a new signature round to only ask certain groups of people to sign. First, switch to the Specific People option when you are telling Blissbook who needs to sign. Then, when you click the blue + Add a filter button, choose Segments. You'll need to have a Segment created in order to see this option.

Manual or Automated Emails

Coming soon!

If you need further help setting your segments up or encounter a problem while doing so, please contact our support team at

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